Technically-excellent photos are rare on the invert “dating” sites. Here’s one (main page).
But I wish they’d done a retake: His neck seems to be growing a head of broccoli. And what’s with the swastika tattoo? Ironic reappropriation?
By the way, I can spot a reasonably-fit Caucasian with a shaven head before he rounds the corner. I am told that, in essence, I fancy British louts and layabouts.
You are drawn to men who resemble characters out of a Derek Jarman film or perhaps one of the thugs inflicting ultraviolence in A Clockwork Orange. These men are the results of the bottom bits of the British gene pool. They’re inbreds, destined to be skinheaded thugs from the time they wore short pants.
I deny this vile calumny. My skinheads have college degrees, or at least online profiles.