Muddy York, the well-named homosexualist ruggerses team, is packed to bursting with lads who work in computers or information technology, yet they’re curiously incapable of creating a standards-compliant and accessible site.

Their new and “improved” page:

  • uses tables for layout – the single easiest way to demonstrate incompetence in Web design
  • employs oddball JavaScript for navigation (have these kids ever heard of styled lists, a technique now two years old?)
  • doesn’t have a DOCTYPE, hence isn’t even HTML
  • can’t be bothered even with simple things like alt texts
  • and of course uses invalid code, with 46 HTML errors. Amazingly, and no doubt unintentionally, the CSS validates!

And the best part?

These pissy and hysterical inverts leapt onto the closest chair on sight of the mouse of Web standards. Martin Kuplens-Ewart, Mike Patterson, Dave Galbraith, and assorted pseudonymous rugger potheads all turned down free help from me and the Webstandards kids. In fact, if Kuplens-Ewart deigned to come to our monthly gatherings, he could enjoy the rare pleasure of speaking fluent Latvian with one of our standardistas.

Apparently, acting as a Tide® infomercial is more important than making a proper Web site. Let me put it to you in terms you can understand: The Web has rules, and the validator is the ref.

Fags play at rugby; rugby fags play at Web development. And doesn’t that frost your Mini-Wheat®?

The foregoing posting appeared on Joe Clark’s personal Weblog on 2004.10.17 14:44. This presentation was designed for printing and omits components that make sense only onscreen. (If you are seeing this on a screen, then the page stylesheet was not loaded or not loaded properly.) The permanent link is:

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None. I quit.

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