Lots, as it turns out. For comparison, I looked up every artiste mentioned by $50,000-a-year Toronto Star “music critic” Ben Rayner in his inventory of his old box of tapes.

Missing One album One song Two albums Raynerisms
  1. Basehead
  2. Big Country
  3. Black Box
  4. Cabaret Voltaire
  5. Meryn Cadell
  6. Chalk Circle
  7. Anne Clark (no relation)
  8. Dissidenten
  9. Grapes of Wrath
  10. (“The”) Heaven 17
  11. Human League
  12. Isis
  13. Jobriath
  14. Tagada Jones
  15. Love
  16. Manau
  17. Moev
  18. National Lampoon
  19. Proclaimers
  20. Sons of Freedom
  21. Tool
  22. Pete Townshend
  23. Underworld
  24. Bob Wiseman
  1. Imperial Teen
  2. Monty Python
  1. Underworld
  2. Scooter
  1. Mike Watt
  2. Sloan
  1. Big Bang
  2. Bootsauce
  3. Bourgeois Tagg
  4. Bundock (or Bündock)
  5. The Church
  6. James Reyne
  7. Screaming Blue Messiahs
  8. Rick Springfield

Kajagoogoo, it will be noted, is in Rayner’s tape collection and can be downloaded from iTunes.

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None. I quit.

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