Archive for the year 2004

‘Please do not reshelve materials’ in white Helvetica on a clear Lucite desk notice

From Bruce McCall’s Zany Afternoons, p. 107:

So All-Fired New They Make Tomorrow Seem Like Yesterday!

’58 Bulgemobiles! Fireblast · Flashbolt · Blastfire · Firewood

’58 Bulgemobiles!

Fireblast · Flashbolt · Blastfire · Firewood

Too Great Not to Be Changed,
Too Changed Not to Be Great!


Blackletter type: Know the connotations!


Judy Stoffman: Inaccurate and a little too derivative?


Seeing oneself in ‘I, Curmudgeon’


The startling letdown of meeting the authoress of ‘Eats, Shoots & Leaves’


What everyone needs in a statue, or in a man: Proportion


About fawny.blog: Why all the photos?


As the graffiti (unexpectedly, it is not actually found on this building) otherwise tells us, THIS SHOULD BE HOUSING. A suspicious fire drove tenants out years ago. Suddenly there’s scaffolding. No doubt they’ll remove the apartment block’s signal feature: It carries one of the few remaining street signs actually affixed to a building.

Blue scaffolding next to brick low-rise apartment block bearing ‘Heward Ave.’ sign

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