Archive for the year 2004
- 26 (2004.11.02)
(Cf. crumbly, lapidary Helvetica.)
- Broadway Shopping Centre (2004.11.02)
Located, funnily enough, on “the” Broadway, a terrifying thoroughfare overrun by eight lanes of 60 km/h traffic, all running on the wrong side of the road and replete with buses in the curb lanes. I’ve never gotten so much dust in my eyes in my life.
- Matter/antimatter (2004.11.01)
I couldn’t believe it either: A hastily-made product sign, meant to stand in until a sign that conforms to corporate livery (using Futura) could be printed, typeset in… Benguiat Gothic.
(It’s pronounced “Ben·gat,” for your beginners. He’d probably look at his own font and blurt “What, that piece of shit?”)
- B-links, October 28 (2004.10.28)
B-links, October 28
- How to attain perfect vegetarian-bachelor status (2004.10.26)
Have nothing, nothing at all, in the fridge save for a case o’ Edensoy and two kinds of ethnic dips.
- Maple fungus (2004.10.25)
Maple trees in Toronto are enduring a fungal outbreak (PDF) that stains their leaves black, irrespective of original colour.
- Walk right, stand left (2004.10.23)
“When riding the escalator, please wear a skirt, carry your stuffed bust of boar in the crook of one arm, and ensure that your mirror-image clone holds his prosthesis well away from the edge.”
- Porthole wall (2004.10.20)
Pity about the letterspaced Times. Ours doesn’t have that problem.
- Downcasting (I) (2004.10.18)
Within hours of arrival, John and the Web Essentials posse started in with the running jokes. A later example: Cranberry juice. An early example: Taking photos of everything but people, particularly of sewer grates and access covers underfoot.
Despite the stick, it stuck, and by watching where I was going I managed to find a maintenance-hole cover with embossed Garamond type. Now, which cut, exactly?