Archive for May 2005


You know your typeface is iconic when a single digit is recognizable.

Base of side of truck reads 222 in Helvetica

(You didn’t have to give it to us three times, though.)

Sign in Helvetica shows a 9 carved out of negative space inside a 5

However, by the same token, we can tell when you’re using the wrong dollar sign. This one looks like Frutiger:

Sign reads ‘starting from $1’ in Helvetica, save for the dollar sign

Note the occasionally-seen S used as capital word-ending sigma.

Hand holds Greek LP record entitled OI E∏ITYXIES

Yes, a Chevrolet Corvair, still drivable and uncrashed in this day and age. Swing-axle suspensions? HOT.

Letters on engine cover read CORVAIR, with YOURS TO DISCOVER on license plate beloow

Streetcars ignore these signs, you know. (Even in the Beach, currently being destroyed to “improve” the streetcar experience.)

Signs hanging from overhead wires read POWER OFF against a blue sky
Construction site features tall flat concrete columns with rebar poking out from the tops and a curved wall made of wooden studs

Who says those ligatures are “decorative”? (Actually, these are homemade.)

Type on door of red truck reads ART LoFRANCO LTD in Avant Garde Gothic ligatures
Tight roll of architectural drawings fans outward at the corner

How not to use RFIDs for a library checkout terminal that claims to work in English, Chinese, French, Tamil, and Urdu


Please get this right, Elizabeth Spiers and Jason Calacanis!

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None. I quit.

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