Mounted police in this city nearly always simply amble along like Amish with Glocks. I should have plenty of time to snap their pictures. Nope.

Whilst riding home from the Beach this morning along the slushy, wet, icy Martin Goodman Trail right next to the lake (one of many unique Toronto features), I was shocked to see two mounted policewomen – both in chartreuse POLICE jackets, one with scarf covering her face just like a chador – clumping toward me. Shocked. First thing I thought of was get the camera, but that would require a full stop and various unzippings.

The police were bored and chatting away as I interrupted them to exclaim “Wow! What an amazing thing to bump into!” “Hi,” said one policewoman blankly, and they clumped away.

I pressed on and then stopped. To go back and snap a photo, with those bright-green jackets and the icy pavement and the boardwalk and the lake (really, it’s perfect!), would have meant riding back over the trickiest section and bothering them again and asking questions. So I didn’t.

And I shoulda.

Did you know that I can tell you all about every photo I ever missed?

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None. I quit.

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