Last five entries on this Weblog

  1. 2,500-word exegesis on Monocle
  2. Nomination for news photo of the year
  3. Complaint about Towleroad and Michael Goff
  4. Documentation of details in important public-sector contract
  5. Complaint about serious oversight in newspaper’s hiring of new journalists

As a quick indicator of standards compliance:

  • Number of validation errors: Nil
  • Number of heading elements: 22 (for 5,625 words on homepage without markup)
  • Ads (external – yes, I am promoting my own micropatronage program, to the annoyance of Michael Goff; then again, “annoyance” from him is like getting gummed by a three-toed sloth): Nil

Last five entries on Towleroad

  1. Compilation of links from Towleroad
  2. Compilation of technology-related links
  3. Compilation of YouTube-style clips
  4. Compilation of links on British art installation
  5. Compilation of links on priest set to marry his homosexualist partner unit

As quick indicator:

  • Number of validation errors: 437 (5,200 words)
  • Number of heading elements: 9
  • External ads: ≥23

The foregoing posting appeared on Joe Clark’s personal Weblog on 2007.04.28 11:27. This presentation was designed for printing and omits components that make sense only onscreen. (If you are seeing this on a screen, then the page stylesheet was not loaded or not loaded properly.) The permanent link is:

(Values you enter are stored and may be published)



None. I quit.

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