Like Lisbon’s subway (QED). Take it from Wally Olins, as stated in his lecture on “national branding” (at about 30:00 in the badly-encoded video):

Or you could say – and this is in Lisbon – if we are going to rebuild and extend the metro, we must use the colours and we must use the styles and we must use the design and we must use the culture of the country in which we operate to create a metro system which is appropriate to the world in which we live.

And if you go to Lisbon and you see the Lisbon metro… you will see that, although it’s got weaknesses, its strengths are that it is a metro system for Lisbon. It is not a metro system for Madrid. It is not a metro system for Berlin. It could only exist in the environment of Lisbon.

So what should Toronto’s subway look like?

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None. I quit.

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