Christian Lander (q.v.), explaining (via the linked podcast) why “Apple products” are something white people like, hypocritically:

The reason why I say “Apple products” is I always say: What’s the point of having an Apple if people can’t see that you have an Apple? But the people really like to hold up the Apple corporation as being this perfect, fantastic company – in spite of the fact that they make all of their products in China, just like Wal-Mart does. They are a publicly traded company, you know? They’re run by a bottom line. That’s why – it’s the most pretentious thing in the world when you get one of their products and it says “Designed in California” – and then, underneath, “Made in China.” [Actually, “Designed by Apple in California” and “Assembled in China.”]

And it’s amazing that people just want to completely ignore this contradiction – that, you know, they’re contributing – I mean, Apple’s products create huge environmental waste and trouble, you know, for the nation of China, and people prefer to ignore it because Apple has good industrial design. And the same thing happens with Target.

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None. I quit.

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