Archive for the year 2008


With about 200 grand to play with, how well do you think Ontario is going to handle the task of converting magazines to digital formats?


As far as Jakob Nielsen is concerned, there are two kinds of English spelling – American and “Commonwealth.” Guess again, Dane


The Perfect Scent by the obviously gay Chandler Burr (no relation)

Baby-blue overhead exhaust venting looms far above a parked streetcar at a streetcar yard

My new article is up at A List Apart. And listen to me kick ass at the CRTC tomorrow


Is that a Trabant?

LED dots in window read Fish &
Backhoe carries rusted metal sculpture of a human form outside Fire & EMS Training Centre

Apparently I am not “international” enough to write the PDF/UA text module. Who knew I was actually an American imperialist all along?

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None. I quit.

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