(UPDATED) Or, as he would be more likely to write his name so Google can never find it, D e n i s M c G r a t h. And it isn’t pronounced “denee.”


(2010.02.01) How many times has Denis begun a sentence with “See” followed by a comma?

  1. “See, we kind of ping-pong back and forth between having to hear a lot of hateful stuff – some of it understandable, some of it not.”
  2. “See, the series is the carrot.”
  3. “See, that Web site, the entire ethos behind it, is a ripple off the impact of Evel Knievel.”
  4. “See, so though snow may be falling from the sky, it’s just possible that the sky might not be falling with it.”
  5. “See, I’m really not doing it justice.”
  6. “See, up in the Territories it turns out that the population – a robust 75,000 or so – is quite interested in and involved with their legislative process (we’re talking like 80% turnouts at elections).”
  7. “See, our trusty broadcasters and BDUs have come together to complain (once again) to the CRTC about how broke they are.”
  8. “See, even in the age where everyone’s potentially a publisher & a content creator, the relationship between wheat & chaff exists.”

(Originally published 2006.12.14 18:37.)

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None. I quit.

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