Euphoniously-named homosexualist écrivain Josh Kilmer-Purcell makes the following statements that seem internally inconsistent in a way I can’t put my finger on. Please write in with your own interpretation, because I’m kind of stuck here.

  • “We live in a world of media everywhere…. I don’t have any idea what the media landscape will wind up in ten years, so I’m putting a stake in the ground everywhere. I think that eventually we’ll all be working for ourselves, and it’s the quality of our ideas, and our ability to disseminate them, that will determine our success”

  • [I]f gay men compensate for growing up as social outcasts by pulling together amazing dinner parties, well, it’s a lot more beneficial to society than if we were obsessed with getting even. We’re smart like that”

  • “I rarely think about being gay anymore. I don’t think there’s anything any more unique about Brent’s and my relationship than any straight one,” except of course there aren’t any ladies involved and quite possibly issues of what it means to be a man might pop up now and then, but I shouldn’t be interjecting here. “I can’t think of a less interesting or truthful slant on my life than attributing what has happened to me to being gay,” he said with debatable truthfulness, as a straight Josh Kilmer-Purcell wouldn’t have written what he did

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None. I quit.

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