Warmed-over liberal feminist Katrina Onstad lazily derides an inveterate photographer of gays (e.g., François Sagat) as sexist. Well, maybe Terry Richardson is that, but he’s also something else. Whenever a liberal complains about the “sexism” of “pornography,” she proves she doesn’t watch gay porn, where, despite claims to the contrary, no sexism occurs and a good time is had by all.

Those of us who enjoy Richardson’s male work ignore his other work; writers like Onstad doesn’t know the guy stuff exists. If they did, would they still have an argument?

UPDATE (2011.03.26): A quick week later, this same Onstad, having revealed herself as a warmed-over antipornography feminist, reveals something else about herself: She’s an opponent of those horrific nose-to-tail-eating hipsters who, I note, are the scruffiest, most self-satisfied animal tormentors the world has ever known. So that would be one F and one gold star.

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None. I quit.

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