Mike Ananny commits two sins in his endless opinion piece on why Grindr gets lumped in with sex-offender apps on Android (where open is always better!).

  1. He recapitulates the lie oft repeated by Grindr’s inventor, Joel Simkhai, that the app is really just about getting to know people. (Ananny: “Grindr describes itself as a ‘simple, fast, fun and free way to find and meet gay, bi, and curious guys for dating, socializing and friendship.’ It’s… targeted at gay men looking to socialize, where ‘socialize’ can mean a wide variety of things, including chatting, hooking up to have sex, or developing a friendship.”) Grindr’s sole purpose is to find nearby guys to fuck.

  2. Ananny complains about the Android Marketplace’s and even Apple’s categorization of Grindr and sex-offender apps, and especially about Android’s presenting both categories together. But he did not contact either firm for a comment. (I asked him why not and he didn’t respond.) It must be stated that Apple responds to almost no press inquiries, and my own meta-inquiry to Google Press – “Who handles media inquiries for the Android Marketplace?” – was ignored.

    The point here is that, even in an opinion piece, factual statements have to be verified, and named parties you accuse of something have to be given a chance to respond.

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None. I quit.

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