Citing only their usernames for a moment, here we have Mister James Is Alive as photographed by Myrkky.

I defy you to find a better headshot.
Now we have this Welshman, whose best feature is his deep-set blue eyes, out of which he can barely see, effortlessly hoisting his bf unit. He ain’t heavy, he’s my lover, &c.

Isn’t this a life-affirming demonstration of what men can do for, with, and to each other? It surely is.
I wrote on Mr. James’s Instagram that my first boyfriend, a beautiful hirsute dumb heedless ginger, could pick me up and walk around the room with me. Later my boyfriend had the bad taste to die, I added. Mister James Is Alive then did the obvious thing and blocked me everywhere he could – to little effect, as he will see here.
(Cf. His Name Is Alive.)