At least a couple of decades. Certainly the entire time I’ve lived here (almost 30 years).

  • Lionel Tiger, Men in Groups, third edition, 2005 (discussing the first edition of same, 1969 [!]):

    Among other things[,] I endured bomb threats at lectures in Vancouver and Montreal. I was warned of a “kneecapping” should I persist in giving an invited lecture at the New School University for Social Research in New York – a large security guard accompanied me during my entire visit there…. A cover story about the book in Maclean’s magazine in Toronto generated a raucous demonstration by outraged feminists and became national news. Canadian feminists have been especially unforgiving and narrowly harsh ever since[,] and reviewers of my books there appear to reanimate their post-adolescent sociopolitical zeal of 35 years ago.

  • Russell Smith (q.v.), How Insensitive, p. 241 (really the ur-text covering this phenomenon):

    “I should deal with this Moonfire thing,” said Ted. “Can I write at your desk?”

    “If you can clear a space.”

    Ted pushed aside the magazines on John’s desk and found a clean sheet of paper and a working pen. He began to write,

    First, let me make clear my sympathy with the cause of the humane treatment of animals, and with the international feminist struggle. My intention – if intention there was, in a few unguarded jocular moments – in making the comments Next printed, was entirely humorous. Of course some humour is more acceptable than others, and I now realize how insensitive

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None. I quit.

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