Ann Friedman, 5½ years ago:

In the dating world, an infatuation with Ayn Rand is a red flag. You might not see it right away: Your date is probably conventionally attractive, decidedly wealthy, and doesn’t really talk politics. But then you get back to his apartment, set your bag down on his glass-topped coffee table, give his bookshelf the once-over – and find it lined with Ayn Rand….

But that dog-eared copy of Atlas Shrugged tells you everything you need to know. He sees himself as an objective iconoclast. He’s unapologetically selfish, because it’s only rational, he says. Sure, he grew up with money[,] but he worked to get where he is today. He’s all about individual responsibility[,] but he just isn’t, metaphorically, into wearing protection.

This is the part where you collect your shoes and bag and GTFO.

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None. I quit.

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