Esteemed colleague Ethan Marcotte attended yet another design conference. I don’t know why one would bother.

Mina Markham gave an excellent, important talk on creating a design system for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. She shared what she’d learned from working in an incredibly fast-moving environment,

where all her work was for nought because her guy lost. (I told the beloved Mr. MICHAEL BIERUT, who designed the Hillary logo, the same thing.)

and she also shared a small slice of the harassment she’d received because of who she worked for – as well as the harassment she received for being a black woman in tech.

It’s almost like the harassment received for being a gay conservative, or a gay black conservative, or a black conservative, or a conservative “in tech” (or “design”).

No design conference anywhere would feature a speaker documenting his or her work on a conservative’s campaign. Conservative design is almost invariably appalling, meaning the few unicorns who pop their tusks up ought to get featured. It’s just easier to have a black woman lecture attendees on how to design a losing campaign.

On the other hand, indeed why go to design conferences? The man who unfucked Donald Trump’s campaign graphics, Brad Parscale, is now running his reëlection campaign. Mina Markham talks to roomfuls of already-sold Democrats.

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None. I quit.

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