• “I’ll see you at DataLounge Con ’94 at the San Diego Airport Hilton!”

    I am American male bisexual who is tired of crypto-muslims and antifas with post-modern neo-vagine doing force transgender on gays. Please to join me for DL Con Sunday brunch panel starring fellow American gays Jordan Peterson and Camille Paglia. We discuss how Trump save gay men from being thrown off building by blacks, and how feminist destroy LGB by doing queer. Eat delicious borscht while the left eats itself!

  • A genre of “porn star” (sample photo) of rampaging interest to a select few:

    You have that familiar and relatable look of a man that makes sure the power’s on that keeps the whole fucking world moving and not some piece of useless eye candy. A lot of homosexual men actually prefer your face to a runway-model or teen-idol type.

    There was a guy from the ’70s who did some nude pictures with the iconic photographer Jim French who represented the same archetype you do. He was flummoxed when he was approached to pose and even more so when he learned he was very popular.

  • What Love, Simon was missing:

    • Rich hot douchebros from the prep school

    • Poor hot bad boys from the wrong side of the tracks […]

    • Jockstraps… clingy sportswear

    • A very bad accident

    • High-strung MAGA mother

    • Hot, trashy father of a friend who knows the kid is gay and says nice things

    • Really bad interiors

    • Kooky guidance counselor

    • Lesbian teacher and her bull-dyke girlfriend

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None. I quit.

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