Other facts gleaned from handouts at the 2007.03.21 TTC meeting:
- In 2006, there were 9,194,000 rides using day passes and 1,025,000 using “blind/War Amps” passes. Premium Express buses carried 259,000 riders. (“Toronto Transit Commission Analysis of Ridership: 2006 Year to Date End of Period 12”)
- “Transit shelters and loops” came in $400,000 under budget at $400,000. Wheelchair-access renovations to subway stations were $600,000 over budget at $8.7 million. They spent $8.4 million on computer equipment and software, a full $2.5 million under budget. What kind of a Web site could you make for that much money? (“Toronto Transit Commission 2006–2010 Capital Program”) A later report (“Project Status Report: 6280 – IT Security Business Plan”) states they spend $3 million a year on computer equipment and software, rising to $4 million by 2010.
- “Platform Video Screens” have cost $56,200 to date in 2006, mostly in labour. Yes, that means video ads cost money, but there is no listing of offsetting income, if any. (“Departmental Progress Report: Engineering”)
- “Conceptual design” of Warden/Victoria Park and Kipling/Islington is projected for April.
- Subway concession stands brought in $3,247,200 in 2006. (“Departmental Progress Report: Revenue Operations”)
- “Signage upgrades/misc. paint material less than planned” (copy-errors corrected): $90,900 saving. (“Departmental Progress Report: Plant Maintenance”)
- “Monitor re Human Rights Tribunal ruling” – the one they stubbornly fought, and immediately lost, concerning audible announcements of subway stops – cost $10,400. (“Departmental Progress Report: Subway Transportation”)
- Debit and credit-card readers: “90% design of… packages of 14 stations each completed and design review in progress…. Project put on hold on August 4, 2006. No activity planned. On hold pending results of feasibility study…. Work deferred for better scope definition” at a saving of $341,000. (“Project Status Report: 2.2 Power Distribution/Electric Systems”)
- “Lower Bay station safety upgrades”: $65,000 “slippage from 2005,” $14,000 “construction cost increase,”, $24,000 “full project.” (“Project Status Report: 2.3 Communications”)
- There’s a whole cryptic section on new designs for pass- and token-vending machines (“Project Status Report: 5.2 Revenue & Fare-Handling Equipment”). And, as part of that, a “budgeted site visit to Hong Kong did not occur” for a saving of $23,000. That’s, what, two people flying business?
- There’s a plan to “implement security Web site” in the next three months. (“Project Status Report: 6280 – IT Security Business Plan”) Incidentally, they have an intranet located at
, but you can’t reach it from outside their IP subnet. There are a couple of other inconclusive mentions of an internal Web site. - A report entitled “Geospatial Technology Review” mentions its use for “next bus/train arrival” (“October 2007/August 2007” [sic]), “Internet trip planning” (August 2007), and “automated customer notification for service disruptions” (August 2007). The whole budget is $500,000.
- Adam Giambrone wrote a letter (2007.03.13) asking that Vic Park and Kipling/Islington redevelopments be updated to include the Toronto Green Development Standard, especially a green roof at Vic Park. (Signage, anyone?)