Author archive


I gave a presentation on TTC typography to a group of aging computer scientists and mathematical typesetters. Then I toured them through the subway. And they loved me


I gave testimony to the Ontario legislature about a bill that would define motherhood out of existence. Then a fat social-justice-warrior manquéee at a right-wing newspaper misrepresented me on Twitter


(2016.10.10; posted 2017.06.27)


Mike Daisey’s monologue The Trump Card in formats you can actually read and modify.


Some excerpts from the obscure but quite excellent When Men Meet by Henning Bech of Denmark


Paula Scher on Tiffany: “It’s money. You’re designing for money”


Alan Hollinghurst hoist by own petard on Twitter


Instagram hovers on top of human language. It’s a global medium without a hint of of cultural appropriation or imperialism


If we had hacks with balls and activists who took action, Southern Ontario’s youngest Nazi, Evalion, could be investigated

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None. I quit.

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