Author archive


John Rechy: “YMCA” begins with “youngman” from City of Night


What’s the Apple Watch typeface? It’s not quite DIN


Rick Poynor: Locations in Super-Cannes


Julie Bindel and Rachel Swan should know better than to publish falsehoods about gay men’s incomes


GenderTrender, exhibiting too many copy errors but with equally too many juicy bons mots to go without recognition


Kara Swisher: “I essentially called him a pig, with my name attached,” Swisher says. “You have to stand up and not be embarrassed or victimized.” When she subsequently saw McLaughlin at a party, she says, he told her, “ ‘Most people in this town stab you in the back, but you stabbed me in the front, and I appreciate that.’ I said ‘Anytime, you son of a bitch’ ”


“E-mail is still the best thing on the Internet” if you’re using Eudora and you aren’t top-posting. In other words, it isn’t


Two rather different pieces from Paul Ford


Medium.com: Where we spend months figuring out how to underline a word but still typeset all our copy like Microsoft Word

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