Archive for category: Accessibility


Why isn’t Windows Phone 7 accessible to blind people? Ask Microsoft. Somebody did, and here was the answer: “We were incompetent on this”


Roger Ebert and Pat Bowes can actually still use the phone, via hearing carryover (HCO) at the relay service. Won’t somebody tell them?


Android, Windows Phone 7, and Windows itself are all inaccessible – because nobody at the top demanded otherwise. Bad taste has a cost people with disabilities pay


Easy: An ignore-tremors mode on iOS


We went to see Scott Pilgrim with MoPix. Only one of us liked it!


Do TTC farecards have to be accessible? Yes, but despite what David Lepofsky says, we don’t need to throw out the baby with the bathwater. (Though getting off Windows will help)


The director of Inception refused to allow captioning and description to take place before the movie opened. Whassamatter – afraid of something?


Full truth: The Onion News Network’s Future: News from the Year 2137 still has no fucking captions


The Wired app is a stag’s head hung over a mantelpiece, a pitiful reminder of a formerly living thing

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