Archive for category: Announcements


LGB Voice and Peak Trans Moment (Gay Men)


I want the one-of-a-kind strawberry-blond gay Olympic silver medallist to be remembered, not forgotten. I also want the circumstances of his death accurately reported


You can now borrow Chasing the Perfect from the library, thanks to me


I am willing to give Feelings: The Technology Podcast About People a go in ’013


Khoi Vinh is shitcanning Mixel. Why didn’t he simply charge for it all along?


Announcing my new research project on lesbian and gay economics. (Spoiler alert: Gay males earn less money than straight males, most research shows, while lesbians earn more than straight women)


Scott Boms and I are talking about design and typography of E-books at BookCamp 2010.


My new article on the use of ePub (hence XHTML) in electronic books is now out at A List Apart


What didn’t make the cut in “Unwebbable” at A List Apart

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None. I quit.

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