Archive for category: Events


Here I am at the Broadway stop of Vancouver’s SkyTrain, photographing an aberrant sign that uses Meta instead of the unaccountable and perplexing Plantin (also seen at Heathrow Airport, the obvious inspiration).

Just as I lifted my camera, four cops walked by, one of whom stared right at me, as seen here. I took my shot and, with nerves of steel, double-checked it on the LCD. I pocketed my camera and waited for the train.

Try this in Toronto and you get to endure a talking-to by Grandpa Moscoe.


Sortie nocturne pour les gars, 2007.02.08: Matt, Will, Pete (“Peter, Paul & Microsoft” [cf.])


Recollections from Web Directions North 2007


Liveblogging exactly one session from Web Directions 2007, Vancouver, 2007.02.07


Merry Christmas (from me, Ian, and Rocket, not that we’re ‘together’)


“If you’ve got a hi-’n’-tite haircut,” I asked the youngest of the five firemens at the Woody’s launch of the new calendar, “does that make you a probie?” After repeating the question, he finally understood and admitted he was new. Joe 1, probie 0.

With only torsos and legs visible, muscular and/or tattooed guys in T-shirts and reflective pants sign calendars

“Is Keith Maidment here?” I asked him, pushing my luck. “Who?” “The only openly gay fireman. He’s an acting captain.” “Where?” he asked, meaning “Which station?” “I dunno.” Joe 1, probie 1. (Neither the tall blond overachiever nor his almost-as-tall Italianate overachiever husband was in attendance. I checked – thoroughly.)

The queue to have one’s calendar inscribed was oversubscribed by old guys and one middle-aged mom. The fellas onstage look less like firemen than second-string high-school football players who have been working on their bench press since they were 16. At least we’ve given up the conceit that firegrrlz should get one of the monthly photos. We signed up for fake soot and suspenders with no shirt, not a plain girl in a ponytail covered head to calf in a bathrobe as she sips wine by fireside.


In which I host the PDF/UA clan in Toronto


In which I arrive at Keflavik Airport for Iceweb 2006


Notes from DemoCamp8, Toronto, 2006.07.25

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None. I quit.

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