Archive for category: Events


14 Days to ATypI: Captioning: Captioning ≠ subtitling


14 Days to ATypI: T minus 14 for captioning. You read a lot of words offa TV


One post a day in the run-up to ATypI Brighton 2007


The event known as Nonfiction isn’t going to make it even to a second outing


Not quite busting the embargo at Nonfiction, a venue for journos to vent


Mysteriously situated on the mezzanine level of the upstairs dance floor at Clockwork in Islington.

I called over one of the strapping, DSLR-toting Croatian dudes (you had to move Croatians to sit down) and even he couldn’t get a decent shot of this mirrorized mural, which appears to depict a latter-day-Egyptian tableau of a bird with too many wings falling earthward on a modern street, one of whose buildings is inexplicably labelled NOMI↓.

It seems unconnected to Klaus. I find it powerful if ominous.


What happens in London and Brighton stays in London and Brighton. Not


18 years’ advice on public speaking, all in one post


@media London 2007: Andy Clarke (no relation)

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None. I quit.

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