Archive for category: Journalism


Is Toronto Life really an unkillable institution? Are we on the verge of finding out?


What’s worse: A publisher that fucks over authors or a journo who quotes an off-the-record source?


Sarah Nicole Prickett: “The normality myth is the new beauty myth”


RyeHigh J-school needs a new chair. Don’t worry: It’ll be somebody you’ve heard of. (Updated 2010.05.28)


Some guy sold a book by querying an agent, and that guy’s friend treated it as news. And that sums up the future of publishing right there


Did you know that projections show whites will be the minority in Toronto in 2036? Well, only if you’re a racist, or the Toronto Star


A few excerpts from the book Libel by Peter Downard


Doesn’t Ryerson Journalism hire from its own Family Compact of people it already knows and likes?


Say Everything by Scott Rosenberg gets me quite wrong

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None. I quit.

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