Archive for category: Journalism


I have copy-edited an available version of The Rock Critical List and published it for posterity


According to attested statements on gay “dating” sites, in fact Jan Moir got one thing quite right in her article on Stephen Gately


Useful snippets from The Law of Libel and Slander in Canada by Jeremy S. Williams


At the What’s Next for News presentation, I dared to claim Canada is a sovereign nation


Sylvia Bashevkin’s Women, Power, Politics explains how to muzzle the press so more women get elected


Toronto homosexualist trash fortnightly makes like dead guys are sexy – a harbinger of a disturbing future


Lady Gaga: “Not dumb” or actually “smart”?


Memo to the Times: Toronto doesn’t have “trolleys”


I fundamentally agree with the points Ezra Levant makes in his book Shakedown

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