Archive for category: Photos

Art Shoppe delivery van sits parked across the street from two lines of snowy garbage bags and recycling bins
Slightly cracked green tile walls inscribed with TELEPHONES (above two modern payphones)
Blurry goat’s head pokes below sharp-focus red metal par
Snow covers the tracks and bottom of air vents in green ST GEORGE wall
White brick wall behind hydrant shows huge blue pens
Sign in window reads celebration sale 15th and is obscured by a pile of empty boxes
With snow falling, a lime-green Smart sits parked alongside dark wall between lime-green roof trim and red garage door

Not in my experience.

Obscured behind red sumach bushes, two billboards that look like highway signs read Opportunities and Nova Scotia

I suppose it beats Arnie and Maria asking us “When can you start?”

Wall emblazoned BALMY BEACH CLUB sits behind snow-covered ground and a snow fence


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None. I quit.

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