Archive for category: Photos


(Q.v.; q.q.v.)

Metal window border obscures retroreflective paint on door of car, including ORONTO shield

Where is this structure located?

Large cone-like structure,  made of tarpaper and with a large doorway on the left side, sits on a concrete pad


Decorated side of one truck is visible between the cab and trailer of a nearer truck

ITCHY: Lemonade?

Giant sculpture of a lemon sits on a trailer on a grass field. Legend: LEMONADE

These fit young lifeguards (civilian employees of the cops) actually inhabit this building every day.

View through open front and rear doors of LEUTY LIFEGUARD STATION shows a couple of people, one wearing only shorts

And this is the first evidence I’ve ever seen.

(The girls were no-nonsense and the shirtless and/or tank-topped guys were characteristically dismissive in that manly swimmer-d00d manner. They make a point of being that way. These are guys who would never use the phrase “characteristically dismissive.”)


A Kevin Steele Memorial Photo™, though without the contrast or dynamic range.

Dilapidated storefront in tattered wood has barely legible sign reading CUCCUMA. Next door is a driveway labelled 232
Baby-blue Volkswagen Beetle’s rear fender shows scratchy patches of red primer

I tried “fixing” a range of “mistakes” in this photograph, then decided I liked it as is.

Angled view through black bus walls and door through subway-station glass and all the way through an exit

This subway collector (not quite the most boring job in the TTC – that’s the subway collector at Bessarion) would from time to time give me a dirty look while I shot photos. We had a direct line of sight.

Bright-orange construction device, labelled Silenced Dri-Prime, is its own trailer and sits behind three orange pylons

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None. I quit.

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