Archive for category: Photos


The radically unsweet Tom’s of Maine toothpaste. It tastes solely like spearmint and feels solely like toothpaste.

Box and tube of Tom’s of Maine Natural Anticavity Fluoride Toothpaste

All the features that seem obviously wrong in this photograph I actually like.

View from down a flight of stairs shows back of pediment with owl sculpture on top and, at sidewalk level, a floodlight, a camera on a dolly, pylons, and many people at work

According to the location permit, the production is entitled Roxy Hunter. À la recherche de Bryan Ferry?


Jaws turns out to be useful for something after all.

Backhoe, jacked up on support legs, sits parked in front of bright yellow tubes in bundles stacked three high
Visible between a grey tour bus and its trailer, a man crouches in luggage hold of red tour bus
Bare ceiling-mounted fluorescent light tube sits at edge of ragged foam insulation, with a chain hanging down from the insulation
Man in yellow-and-black outfit holds a helmet in one hand and a large green canoe over one shoulder as he crosses a damp beachfront boardwalk under cloudy skies

Sadly, I missed a better photo of this fellow portag(e)ing his kayak down the residential sidestreet. Only in the Beach (or at Bondi).


But your typical newspaperman wouldn’t be caught dead on something as girly as a scooter.

Silve and red scooters have rear ends covered in identical ‘Globe and Mail’ wallpaper

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