Archive for category: Photos

Man in safety vest and hard hat points as giant Gazzola Paving grader lumbers by on treads

It may well appear that a Silver Spirit is parked outside the truck-parts shop on a back alley.

The only way in which looks deceive is that the “alley” is a full-fledged street improbably called Memory Lane. It is now demonstrably possible to go down Memory Lane in one’s Rolls.

(“Do you drive it in the winter?” “My wife does,” said the old man in the hat with the too-broad brim. “Got to use them,” I said. “They can’t be just ornamental.”)


For a while there, the easiest path to a British car was to buy a Honda.

Silver corrugated metal A-frame building has red-and-white-striped fence along the front, with red two-door car parked at the left

They aren’t bringing them into the country anymore (first it was due to exchange rates, then because they stopped making them). That was to my chagrin, as I adore these brutalist slabs.

Two-pipe panel labelled SPRINKLER SYSTEM is installed in a stone wall

Try to determine on which plane each of these visible objects is located.

Fence with DANGER sign, flat bed of truck, London-style red sightseeing bus, arm reading HEAVY LIFT, concrete wall, house
Opened doors, blocked off with green tape, lead to a dark interior and sit under a sign reading Air-treated separate

No, you probably wouldn’t want to swim on a day like this. Parasail, sure.

Overcast beachfront scene has empty lifeguard station alongside a red flag and a collapsed parasail
Four squiggles of neon-orange spraypaint on curved clear plastic roof
Workman sits on top edge of pink-insulation-covered wall at construction site

(Q.v.; q.q.v.)

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