Archive for category: Photos

Illustration on side of cube van shows flames shooting from a house window and part of a headline reading ALERT!
Decal shows line drawings of a hard-hatted man and a suspended construction hook. Drawings give hand signals for HOIST, LOWER, SWING, DOG EVERYTHING, and other actions
Navy-blue side and skirt of a trailer are emblazoned with reflectors and a painting of the leg and tail of a white horse

This is what happens when you face the sun to snap a shot of an Emergency Task Force Suburban lumbering past the destruction of Queen St.

Lens flare streaks across photo of a Suburban labeled EMERGENCY TASK FORCE as it drives past a road’s dug-up centre lane

“Sometimes it snows in April.”

Disused armchair, water cooler, and vintage sign reading FRESH COFFEE in a display case all sit covered by wet snow

(Today it’s 13° and sunny.)


Jutta Kleinschmidt and runic-looking cattle

Split image of two trucks shows a payload of free-standing compressed-gas cylinders on top and a sign reading ‘Anti-Icing in Progress. Keep Back 20 Meters’ below’

“My two-year-old could do that.”

Dark, ocherous photo shows gas-station ice machine alongside piles of boxes of the same height
Toe of boot protrudes into frame showing ordinary wrench embedded flush into snow

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