Archive for category: Photos

Corrugated hinge stretches across old map on side of vehicle
Graffiti on red wall shows a hand holding a blue marker perfectly horizontal
Blue PowerMac G3 sits open and picked clean on the sidewalk, metal corner glinting in the sun
Rusted CN freightcar sits in front of new silver-and-yellow boxcar labelled IST
Giant shop window shows sunglass-wearing man in Izond long-sleeved T-shirt and polo shirt amid racecars

At Dal we had a filthy-rich guy from Hong Kong. We had a lot of those. This one really liked to fit in. He used then-current vernacular, though with that distinctive Chinese–British HK accent: You ahh naaahlaay, dood! It was said he was rich because his father owned the factory that sewed the Izods onto shirts.

Grey concrete staircase on street twists once, then twice as it rises a single storey

(Cf. Stair Porn.)

Banner covering a subway-car door opposite an open door reads INNER USE OTHER DOOR DANGER DO NOT TOUCH
Hino truck perched on parking lot above steeply-raked patch of red gravel

I find forward-control vehicles scary.

Women mingle behind hand-painted John’s General Sharpening van

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None. I quit.

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