Archive for category: Splorpist

Photos in the genre of Grant Hutchinson’s Splorp.com


These fit young lifeguards (civilian employees of the cops) actually inhabit this building every day.

View through open front and rear doors of LEUTY LIFEGUARD STATION shows a couple of people, one wearing only shorts

And this is the first evidence I’ve ever seen.

(The girls were no-nonsense and the shirtless and/or tank-topped guys were characteristically dismissive in that manly swimmer-d00d manner. They make a point of being that way. These are guys who would never use the phrase “characteristically dismissive.”)


A Kevin Steele Memorial Photo™, though without the contrast or dynamic range.

Dilapidated storefront in tattered wood has barely legible sign reading CUCCUMA. Next door is a driveway labelled 232
Baby-blue Volkswagen Beetle’s rear fender shows scratchy patches of red primer

I tried “fixing” a range of “mistakes” in this photograph, then decided I liked it as is.

Angled view through black bus walls and door through subway-station glass and all the way through an exit

This subway collector (not quite the most boring job in the TTC – that’s the subway collector at Bessarion) would from time to time give me a dirty look while I shot photos. We had a direct line of sight.

Bright-orange construction device, labelled Silenced Dri-Prime, is its own trailer and sits behind three orange pylons


Seen from overhead, a brown dachshund is almost obscured by bright-green leaves of a nearby hedge
From overhead, a headlight sits inset into the top of a rounded-edged corner on a blue car



Mysteriously situated on the mezzanine level of the upstairs dance floor at Clockwork in Islington.

I called over one of the strapping, DSLR-toting Croatian dudes (you had to move Croatians to sit down) and even he couldn’t get a decent shot of this mirrorized mural, which appears to depict a latter-day-Egyptian tableau of a bird with too many wings falling earthward on a modern street, one of whose buildings is inexplicably labelled NOMI↓.

It seems unconnected to Klaus. I find it powerful if ominous.

Mysterious woman in black skirt walks down diamond-patterned staircase made of marble and terrazzo

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None. I quit.

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