Archive for category: Splorpist
Photos in the genre of Grant Hutchinson’s
- Framing nothing (2005.05.05)
- Flaming truck (2005.05.05)
- Hand signals for safety (2005.04.20)
- Cavaliaist (2005.04.20)
- Celestial police devastation (2005.04.20)
This is what happens when you face the sun to snap a shot of an Emergency Task Force Suburban lumbering past the destruction of Queen St.
- Snowchair (2005.04.08)
“Sometimes it snows in April.”
(Today it’s 13° and sunny.)
- Black arse truck (2005.02.01)
- Jeff Wall manqué (2005.01.22)
“My two-year-old could do that.”
- The loneliest spanner (2005.01.06)