Archive for category: Splorpist

Photos in the genre of Grant Hutchinson’s Splorp.com


This is, if memory serves, our third lesson in why Windows and Internet Explorer are unreliable platforms for unattended signage.

Plasma display shows Windows dialogue boxes and error messages and, in the system tray, 20-odd Explorer icons

Fabulously futuristic colour, self-replicating visual instructions (with copy errors, actually) – in short, everything you’re looking for in a towel dispenser.

Towel dispenser with bright-blue translucent cover and two sets of instructions

I love these sorts of segmented displays. In fact, I’m kicking myself that I can’t find the article in an old Wallpaper<asterisk> about a London artist who does nothing but colour-field experiments.

Windows wrapping around a bus bay glow orange from the plastic batting that covers them

Or I could just look at the background image at Somnolent.

Square holes punched in plywood construction wall behind fence. Orange plastic batting peeks through the holes. Yellow CAUTION tape streams up to the fence top
Front-left  silver wheel and massive tire of parked black Rolls-Royce

And the kicker? This $400,000 car carried a disabled-driver permit, too!

Disabled parking permit under windscreen

Funny, I didn’t know so many millionaires could drive but not walk!


Colin N. Doyle of Osaka, Japan snapped this one:

Green sign with white crown and the legend ‘Starvations: Skipping About All Over the World’

Your crown’s gonna fall off if you go “skipping,” right?

Closeup of warning label on giant throw switch on hydro pole

“Urban” photos of graffiti-laden dumpsters are so retro they’re like wearing ripped-up jackets and mohawk haircuts.

Red dumpster graffitied with ‘Notice: No dirt, brick or concrete’

Dirt, brick, and concrete are dumped at the foot of the Leslie St. Spit, adding to the peninsula it is. An astonishing waste-management policy, but it actually provides habitat for birds.


I just can’t get over the effort required to vinyl-wrap a Mini to advertise waste management. (And what a transparent tax write-off!)

Rear three-quarter view of a blue Mini Cooper emblazoned with ‘1-800-GOT-JUNK?’ and other slogans

Will it fit in a dumpster?

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None. I quit.

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