Archive for category: Splorpist
Photos in the genre of Grant Hutchinson’s
- Maybe these maps and hinges have been misunderstood (2009.09.19)
- Mightier than (2009.09.07)
- Glint (2009.08.11)
- Yellow IST (2009.07.20)
- Izod (2009.07.08)
At Dal we had a filthy-rich guy from Hong Kong. We had a lot of those. This one really liked to fit in. He used then-current vernacular, though with that distinctive Chinese–British HK accent: You ahh naaahlaay, dood! It was said he was rich because his father owned the factory that sewed the Izods onto shirts.
- Colonnade staircase (2009.06.10)
(Cf. Stair Porn.)
- Use other door (2009.06.08)
- Hino gravel (2009.05.29)
I find forward-control vehicles scary.
- Tool in the shed (2009.05.25)