Archive for category: Splorpist

Photos in the genre of Grant Hutchinson’s Splorp.com

Rusted equipment is labelled Snorkel and has criscrossing ducts and a periscope-like exhaust tube
Large transport truck, emblazoned TITAN, is parked on a rainy street. A guy in a forklift drives up behind it
Yellow-and-red garage, with yellow-and red taxis parked nearby and yellow, orange, red, and aquamarine car hoods, trunks, and doors leaning against the wall
Trailer-hitch loop, its orange paint rubbed off in places, hangs from black bumper
Brown slush stains the snow around a curved streetcar track
Shield-shaped edge of bulkhead has stucco finish and is surrounded by pipes and wall members under a snowed-over blue skylight
Art Shoppe delivery van sits parked across the street from two lines of snowy garbage bags and recycling bins
Slightly cracked green tile walls inscribed with TELEPHONES (above two modern payphones)
Blurry goat’s head pokes below sharp-focus red metal par

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None. I quit.

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