Archive for category: The print medium


Just how many contemporary novels even deign to admit that email, TV, and bathrooms exist?


Helen Andrews’ Boomers shows the futility of the publishing oligopoly, which takes most of your money and still lets you get obvious facts wrong. But the alternate option – self-publishing without expert help – is also doomed to failure


Revolution 1989: The Fall of the Soviet Empire


Including three that permanently reset my mindset (term used advisedly)


Someday you’re gonna die. Imagine having spent your life reading literature and novels


Saving Beauty by Han Byung-Chul surprised the shit out of me with the most arresting opening pages I have read in 30 years. Smooth “embodies today’s society of positivity. What is smooth does not injure. Nor does it offer any resistance. It is looking for Like. The smooth object deletes its Against. Any form of negativity is removed”


Provocations by Camille Paglia and The Gift by Lewis Hyde


David Shields, Other People: “I once felt joy in being alive and I felt this mainly when I was playing basketball and I rarely if ever feel that joy anymore and it’s my own damn fault and that’s life”


At Naked Heart 2016, the overriding message from deaf writers was positivity. You’d think I’d know that by now

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None. I quit.

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