Archive for category: Magazines
- Microwave-cooking editor (2016.03.27)
I can no longer achieve the goal exhorted by an old friend – to become microwave-cooking editor at Soldier of Fortune magazine
- This week in ‘Private Eye’ (2015.12.19)
Profile of Ian Hislop; fascinating interview with plummy-voiced in-house lawyer
- Logrolling in our time (2014.04.18)
Jason McBride does not quite recapitulate an old Spy article for Toronto Life
- These headlines are missing a word (2013.07.02)
“The [Long-Awaited] End of White Toronto” and “The [Long-Awaited] End of Gender”
- Precious, bankable Craig Mod (2012.12.14)
Flowery, grandiloquent Craig Mod and developer-autistic Marco Arment are being disingenuous when they claim not to have defined a new publishing style. They have – and, after the manner of Butt and FANTASTIC MAN, it will now be copied
- Oral history of ‘Frank’ (2012.09.30)
Who’s up for writing an oral history of Frank?
- Reading the final issue of ‘Butt’ (2012.02.15)
Ideally, I show, with dog in lap
- ‘Fantastic’ bureau (2011.09.08)
What the offices of FANTASTIC MAN (and, presumably, Butt) look like
- Toronto-standard markup (2011.03.15)
The incompetents at Toronto Life, who can’t even mark up a table of contents, just bought Torontoist