Archive for category: Trannies

Countering transgender lies


Be a man in a dress, like not-rapist Dana Contreras and not-mother “Meghan Stabler”


Transgenders, least of all Ray “Sylvia” Rivera, did not lead Stonewall


Trannies are not gay, not the opposite sex, and not who they say they are


Trannies can’t be International Leather Sir or Boy anymore, not that they ever should have


As shown in What I Love about Being Queer, queer kills gay dead


Demanding that the word transphobia be included in “the dictionary” won’t make it happen


Kyle Scanlon’s suicide cannot be disentangled from his transgenderism and endogenous depression, I claim (with 2017 update)


Zoe Whittall whining about getting nominated for a “queer and trans” literary award


Pride Toronto sponsors a real march for everybody, but also sponsors Dyke and Trans Marches. And they hire male and female co-chairs. This has got to stop, and I provide legal and ethical reasons why

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