Archive for category: Helvetica

Helvetica in situ


Since this is the postal plant we’re talking about here, its number is commonly misread as 666.

Brick building is labeled 969 in giant Helvetica, with a sign reading Canada Post Delivers the Holidays! showing Santa’s trousers full of gifts

Looks like the type on one of those notice boards with the black grooves and the white letters you stick on, doesn’t it?

Letters on brick A-frame building read KEW GARDENS TENNIS CLUB 777 KE  B ACH AVE

Man, that’s bright.

Red plastic cube, backlit by the sun, shows THE NORTH FACE logotype in Helvetica

Would this not have been better in Akzidenz?

Windows and yellow wall tiles lead down to two angled walls in red tile labeled 261 in Helvetica

(What wouldn’t be?)


I think homebrew fontmods like this – like this, not just any of them – are the greatest thing since sliced bread. I guess the criterion is: The more it looks like a hand-painted sign in a South American peasant village, the more I like it.

Orange cap on white pickup truck has the word ‘jermark’ in hand-drawn Bauhaus font and a phone number in black Helvetica outlined in yellow
Sign with dashed outline reads Clearance 7ft6in in Helvetica
Silver tanker truck with conical protrusions on the sides is labeled Keith Hall & Sons Transport Ltd. in Helvetica, with a four-leaf clover
Silver metal letters in Helvetica read 36 attached to granite slab. A silver peg is attached above the numbers
Rear of slate-grey Route 501 bus is labeled with ‘7777’ in Helvetica

(Q.v. [URL especially].)

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