Archive for category: Type I Saw Today

Type samples from the real world


…if I consumed dairy. An appropriately tacky use of the ITC Bauhaus typeface.

Bright square biscuit packages read FROLLKRO, NOVELLINO, PRIMA COLLAZIONE, FROLLINO in Bauhaus type

It’s always a pleasure finding a nicely-hand-lettered sign in this day and age.

Hand-drawn sign shows floral bouquets and reads: PERENNIAL PLANT SALE SAT. MAY 14, 2005... herbs, irises, hostas, gardening gifts, and more!’

You know your typeface is iconic when a single digit is recognizable.

Base of side of truck reads 222 in Helvetica

(You didn’t have to give it to us three times, though.)

Sign in Helvetica shows a 9 carved out of negative space inside a 5

However, by the same token, we can tell when you’re using the wrong dollar sign. This one looks like Frutiger:

Sign reads ‘starting from $1’ in Helvetica, save for the dollar sign

Note the occasionally-seen S used as capital word-ending sigma.

Hand holds Greek LP record entitled OI E∏ITYXIES

Streetcars ignore these signs, you know. (Even in the Beach, currently being destroyed to “improve” the streetcar experience.)

Signs hanging from overhead wires read POWER OFF against a blue sky

Who says those ligatures are “decorative”? (Actually, these are homemade.)

Type on door of red truck reads ART LoFRANCO LTD in Avant Garde Gothic ligatures
Ornate wrought-iron transom is labeled with JARVIS COURT in steel letters
My camera, head, and shades are reflected in a sign fragment that reads ‘Color preventable cover it up’
White sign has tall red uparrow and the word PARKING in black

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None. I quit.

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