Archive for category: Type I Saw Today

Type samples from the real world

Giant red sign on Canadian Tire inside wall shows child in hockey mask with the letterspaced Helvetica word “Playing’

Blowing out is best done in Benguiat Gothic, apparently.

Sign reads FINAL WINTER BLOW OUT! 75% OFF in Benguiat Gothic (with UP TO handwritten atop the number)
Two sign fragments side by side: ÔS Vibrating. in white on brown and BSO RRÉS in red on white
Sign reads 1093 alongside stacked rows of coloured neon tubes
Alphabet blocks sit discarded amid a junk pile
Television set in darkened red room shows Univers type on top of blackletter
White fabric screens cover everything but a brightly-lit house number over a door, 1142A
LED dots in window read Fish &
Modern house, barely illuminated at nighttime, has the word FIFTEEN in Helvetica over its front window

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