Archive for category: Signage

At dusk, hand-drawn sign on building wall reads New Canadians LUMBER & BUILDING SUPPLIES 531-3525

Shift Lock key giving you trouble?

Loblaws (‘SAVES YOU MORE!’) price tag reads "L@H SS""NN""BBQ 2818-2JN" 599.98

(Though, actually, the last computer I used with a Shift Lock was a Victor 9000 circa 1983.)


(Also close-up.)


Scan this sentence and tell me if you really read it right the first time.

Lettering on shop window in Handel Gothic reads: All merchandise has been moved to our Vaughan Mills location at 1 Bass Pro Mills Drive

Don’t you think l and I should be a wee bit different? Plus: Got enough copies of the word “Mills” at the ends of lines?


The only notable building sign I saw in SE1. I need to get out more.

Sign reads KING’S COLLEGE LONDON James Clerk Maxwell Building in Caslon capitals and mixed-case italic

A delightful typeface if you avoid the overregularized Adobe version, as all right-thinking people ought.

Sign reads Special FOIL HIGHLIGHTS, with those and other words in original Palatino type
Hand-lettered sign on slate tile above awning reads SANCI’S SINCE 1914

It’s always a pleasure finding a nicely-hand-lettered sign in this day and age.

Hand-drawn sign shows floral bouquets and reads: PERENNIAL PLANT SALE SAT. MAY 14, 2005... herbs, irises, hostas, gardening gifts, and more!’

Streetcars ignore these signs, you know. (Even in the Beach, currently being destroyed to “improve” the streetcar experience.)

Signs hanging from overhead wires read POWER OFF against a blue sky

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None. I quit.

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