Archive for category: Signage

Sign over café is written in yellow type on a blue background, with a line of Amharic and a line of script capitals reading RENDEZ-VOUS BAR & CAFE
Sign projecting from wall has red, white, and blue X-shaped stripes and BARBER SHOP in white sansserif on a blue background

I think this is a poorly-rendered variation of this groovy display-type form.

Orange sign reads National CONVENIENCE in curvy white letters whose thick strokes contrast severely with thin strokes

I was gonna say it’s reminiscent of such unpleasant typefaces as Weidemann, but I checked and that isn’t the unpleasant typeface it’s reminiscent of.

Weathered sign on brick wall above doorway reads LAW OFFICE Peters & Kestelman 245 Coxwell Ave.

Additionally, a preposition is not to be used to end a sentence with.


Does anyone remember Epson dot-matrix printers and the cursive typefaces they could hack together? Is it even possible to make a printout of such a thing anymore?

Sign on brick building reads LUCKY DRIVING SCHOOL in script typeface with mismatched stroke thicknesses and angles

The R and the C don’t match.

Sign on building reads DENTURE [blanked-out space] CLINIC 249 CHRISTIE ST. 588-3355 in numerous grotesk fonts
Round sign with thick black metal base reads NO PARKING BETWEEN SIGNS, with PARKING scooped into an arc in the middle
Photo shows reflection of me (in purple-and-black hat) photographing a pegboard building directory with mismatched letters: ESSENCE THERAPEUTICS FOR LIVING 206
Two layers of billboard for SPIRITUALISM RELIGION PHILOSOPHY · SCIENCE	 show through, with a blue strip on left and right sides and a black strip in the middle

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