Archive for category: Typography
- 14(1A): You do a lot of reading offa TV (2007.08.29)
14 Days to ATypI: T minus 14 for captioning. You read a lot of words offa TV
- Design-research roundup (2007.08.27)
Summarizing a few design research papers (not an oxymoron) I have read recently
- Overpromised, underdelivered (2007.08.19)
Why Chris Calori’s Signage and Wayfinding Design is shite (vague shite at that)
- ‘Helvetica’ accessibility manifesto (2007.08.14)
Reasons why Helvetica should have something other than cheap-ass captioning and description
- 13,000 (2007.07.31)
Writing an academic paper, pretty much thanklessly
- ‘This movie sucks,’ say the fonts (2007.07.22)
A movie whose poster uses red Flyer Extra Bold or equivalent is a warning sign
- Save TTC signs (2007.07.03)
Just what it says: Stop the bastards from pulling down and shredding irreplaceable old signs
- ‘Design City Toronto’ (2007.06.16)
A book by Toronto writers about Toronto architecture… written in British English and typeset in Helvetica Light
- ‘Five Simple Steps to Better Typography’ (2007.06.12)
@media London 2007: Mark Boulton