Archive for category: Web & infrastructure


At the second Hacks & Hackers event, only two of the demos were journalistic. And why are we still doing demos?


Why do newspapers think an “HTML5 product” will do anything their existing Web sites can do? (Updated 2010.12.06)


You don’t have to be Andrew Keen to recognize that each medium has his own biases and changes the way you communicate. Just ask Angry Paul Rand


Last night (2010.10.21) was the first mixer for Hacks & Hackers Toronto. Now let’s get to work


I proposed a session on structured documents for managers and editors for the BookNet Canada 2011 Technology Forum. The deadline for submissions was an insane six months in advance


New York outdoes itself in fucked-up “print-friendly” pages


If Nicole Sullivan thinks more women should work in technology, my question is: Why? (Minor updates)


Tara Ariano finally got her green card. Was she ever Canadian?


Established design critic John Thackara thinks kids today should live in squats and write design criticism for 12¢ a pageview

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None. I quit.

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